Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sparrow SMS - SMS VAS Service for NEPAL: Mobile Penetration in Nepal Reaches 66.96 Percent

Sparrow SMS - SMS VAS Service for NEPAL: Mobile Penetration in Nepal Reaches 66.96 Percent:Yet again Nepal Telecommunications Authority has released its monthly report on telecommunication scenario in Nepal. The report based on data collected till the date of April 13, 2013 shows a significant growth in the telephone penetration in Nepal over last one month.

The report shows that the telephone users in Nepal have increased by 1.58% from 73.88% last month to 75.46% this month. Yet again the increase is due to the increase in the users of mobile telephones from 65.65% last month to 66.96% while the percent of users of fixed telephone lines remains unchanged from the last month.
With total of 9,790,860 users, Ncell has 49% of total market shares while NTC has 44% with total of 8,705,315 users and UTL and SmartTel have market shares of 3% each.

There has also been an increase of 0.82% in the internet users in the country from 23.69 percent last month to 24.51 percent as per April 13. Although, there is increase in number of users of all the internet services, GPRS still leads the users’ choice of internet service while the newly initiated WiMax service from NTC seems to be getting popular and has gained 450 more users since last month and now has 648 users.UTL this month has suffered a loss of a percent in its internet users which resulted in a gain of a percent user for Ncell. Ncell, thus, now has 52 percent of entire market share in internet while NTC has 46 percent. UTL and other ISPs follow behind with 1 percent each.

If we look at the data over the last one year, the mobile penetration has increased by 11.56% while there has been 5.41 percent increase in internet users in Nepal.
Overall, the data suggests that the penetration of communication technologies in Nepal is getting stronger and with the introduction of new operators and service providers there is strong competition in the market. While, Ncell still remains to be the most popular brand in telecommunication, WiMax the new internet service brought by NTC is getting popular with time.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sparrow SMS - SMS VAS Service for NEPAL: Sparrow SMS Celebrates 3rd Anniversary

Sparrow SMS Celebrates 3rd Anniversary:

Anniversaries for us are times for celebration and recognition, and they are also a time for remembrance. Today as we try to recall the 3 years of Sparrow SMS we are filled with jubilance and inspiration.

We had all arrived through different routes and yet we managed to travel together this far. This journey of Sparrow SMS involved so many choices, each an adventurous story in itself. We remember normal office days turning into hackathons— working overnight, clashing of ideas, finding successes, each and every one of it defines the success of Sparrow SMS down these years. Had this been any different, Sparrow SMS would not be the same company as it is now.

It was not easy for a startup like us to survive without any experience, investors, loans or resources. All we had was a passionate team that wanted to make an impact. The challenge of developing a strategy, understanding the forces that drive a company and developing relationships are what motivate us even to this day.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every member of Sparrow SMS who believes in us and bears the same vision as us. Your energy and synergy are the pillars of this company. We also thank our customers and well-wishers who have been our biggest strength in truest sense.

Our success so far is no accident, nor is it guaranteed in the years to come, but we do know that Sparrow SMS will continue to make lives easier by simple and innovative SMS and VAS solutions which is the sole aim of the company.

We want to thank each of you for being a part of “The Story” which is only beginning to unfold. Thank you for being there. We expect your never ending support and presence in our future endeavours.

Amit Agrawal,
Janaki Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sparrow SMS - SMS VAS Service for NEPAL: About Us

Sparrow SMS - SMS VAS Service for NEPAL: About Us: This is the official blog of Sparrow SMS. Sparrow SMS is a Value Added Service (VAS) that provides SMS marketing solutions to indivi...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

What is the root cause of crime and problems we face?

I can see everyone talking about the rape case now. I can see it as hot topic on all media. I would like to share few thoughts.

1. Please let the girl rest in peace now, instead of spreading her photos everywhere.
2. If you are talking so much about gender equality, make sure the ladies in the culprit's family face no direct and indirect punishment of some shameful act done by the culprit. They should not be blamed unnecessarily.
3. Have you asked yourself, what is the main cause of such crime and what can be long term solution to it ? Will media continue the same hype or start talking about Kareena's lipstick after a month ?

What was the root cause of losing senses ? It was actually alcohol that was ruling their mind and body. I am sure they could never even imagine such a crime in normal state.

Alcohol or Drugs- We all know that it does good to no one. We all know that it is ruining our family , our youth and our country, but still we produce it , we import it and sell it, WHY ?

THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL PROBLEM IS INVOLVEMENT OF HUGE ECONOMY or MONEY IN SOMETHING. One of them is money in sale of alcohol or drugs or cigarette.

If you want to actually revolt and show your power, Then stop sale of alcohol. Can You ? It has some good points like tax,economy and few others , but we all know that it has many bad affects but still we are allowing it, which if stopped , can not only save a lot of money and time, but also prevent a lot of crime and bring peace and harmony in a lot of families. Then , why not ban it ?

If India wants to really fight back, Can you dig into the root causes and find permanent solution to it ?

I see a lot of things which we public think as problems, but its actually imposed due to involvement of huge economies. It is done by people who are actually making money out of it.

At times, I think that why even after so much efforts, we cant bring harmony among India-Pakistan. But then at times i think why 40% of India's GDP is used for defense?  This huge money's involvement might have some role. The manufactures of Arms are actually benefited from this and so the scenario is imposed by them so that the sale of arms does not come down.

There are so many such cases where the money involved at macro level plays all the role and we as normal public just fight among ourselves. Example medicine for cancer , or use of electric cars instead of oil.

Its time now to THINK. Its the age of information technology and Social Media. Earlier people were afraid of Government and now its time to turn it around.

I hope the life of the girl will not go in vain and will open the eyes of everyone for a permanent solution.

[ Note: The thoughts mentioned in the article above are not related to any person in real and has no connection with anyone. These are just random imaginations and thinking of a random mind. There is no basis for whatever written ]