I can see everyone talking about the rape case now. I can see it as hot topic on all media. I would like to share few thoughts.
1. Please let the girl rest in peace now, instead of spreading her photos everywhere.
2. If you are talking so much about gender equality, make sure the ladies in the culprit's family face no direct and indirect punishment of some shameful act done by the culprit. They should not be blamed unnecessarily.
3. Have you asked yourself, what is the main cause of such crime and what can be long term solution to it ? Will media continue the same hype or start talking about Kareena's lipstick after a month ?
What was the root cause of losing senses ? It was actually alcohol that was ruling their mind and body. I am sure they could never even imagine such a crime in normal state.
Alcohol or Drugs- We all know that it does good to no one. We all know that it is ruining our family , our youth and our country, but still we produce it , we import it and sell it, WHY ?
THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL PROBLEM IS INVOLVEMENT OF HUGE ECONOMY or MONEY IN SOMETHING. One of them is money in sale of alcohol or drugs or cigarette.
If you want to actually revolt and show your power, Then stop sale of alcohol. Can You ? It has some good points like tax,economy and few others , but we all know that it has many bad affects but still we are allowing it, which if stopped , can not only save a lot of money and time, but also prevent a lot of crime and bring peace and harmony in a lot of families. Then , why not ban it ?
If India wants to really fight back, Can you dig into the root causes and find permanent solution to it ?
I see a lot of things which we public think as problems, but its actually imposed due to involvement of huge economies. It is done by people who are actually making money out of it.
At times, I think that why even after so much efforts, we cant bring harmony among India-Pakistan. But then at times i think why 40% of India's GDP is used for defense? This huge money's involvement might have some role. The manufactures of Arms are actually benefited from this and so the scenario is imposed by them so that the sale of arms does not come down.
There are so many such cases where the money involved at macro level plays all the role and we as normal public just fight among ourselves. Example medicine for cancer , or use of electric cars instead of oil.
Its time now to THINK. Its the age of information technology and Social Media. Earlier people were afraid of Government and now its time to turn it around.
I hope the life of the girl will not go in vain and will open the eyes of everyone for a permanent solution.
[ Note: The thoughts mentioned in the article above are not related to any person in real and has no connection with anyone. These are just random imaginations and thinking of a random mind. There is no basis for whatever written ]
1. Please let the girl rest in peace now, instead of spreading her photos everywhere.
2. If you are talking so much about gender equality, make sure the ladies in the culprit's family face no direct and indirect punishment of some shameful act done by the culprit. They should not be blamed unnecessarily.
3. Have you asked yourself, what is the main cause of such crime and what can be long term solution to it ? Will media continue the same hype or start talking about Kareena's lipstick after a month ?
What was the root cause of losing senses ? It was actually alcohol that was ruling their mind and body. I am sure they could never even imagine such a crime in normal state.
Alcohol or Drugs- We all know that it does good to no one. We all know that it is ruining our family , our youth and our country, but still we produce it , we import it and sell it, WHY ?
THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL PROBLEM IS INVOLVEMENT OF HUGE ECONOMY or MONEY IN SOMETHING. One of them is money in sale of alcohol or drugs or cigarette.
If you want to actually revolt and show your power, Then stop sale of alcohol. Can You ? It has some good points like tax,economy and few others , but we all know that it has many bad affects but still we are allowing it, which if stopped , can not only save a lot of money and time, but also prevent a lot of crime and bring peace and harmony in a lot of families. Then , why not ban it ?
If India wants to really fight back, Can you dig into the root causes and find permanent solution to it ?
I see a lot of things which we public think as problems, but its actually imposed due to involvement of huge economies. It is done by people who are actually making money out of it.
At times, I think that why even after so much efforts, we cant bring harmony among India-Pakistan. But then at times i think why 40% of India's GDP is used for defense? This huge money's involvement might have some role. The manufactures of Arms are actually benefited from this and so the scenario is imposed by them so that the sale of arms does not come down.
There are so many such cases where the money involved at macro level plays all the role and we as normal public just fight among ourselves. Example medicine for cancer , or use of electric cars instead of oil.
Its time now to THINK. Its the age of information technology and Social Media. Earlier people were afraid of Government and now its time to turn it around.
I hope the life of the girl will not go in vain and will open the eyes of everyone for a permanent solution.
[ Note: The thoughts mentioned in the article above are not related to any person in real and has no connection with anyone. These are just random imaginations and thinking of a random mind. There is no basis for whatever written ]